You're a Queen!

Stop settling for less than your King.

The Rise of the Queen—A 12-week, one-on-one  program for single, ambitious women who are ready to build a life with a quality partner, but have a history of choosing the wrong men.

Be more you — not less.

The consequences of settling

When you choose the wrong man, you also choose...


Feeling unseen and unheard


Deception, lies, cheating


Feeling like you're too much/not enough


Frequent tension and conflict


Resentment, anger, loneliness


Disconnection, breakup, divorce

Never settle.
You are worthy of your deepest desires.

The Demise of the Queen

Every time she censors her truth, stuffs her emotions, or denies her needs—she disappears herself.

This disappearing pattern depletes the Queen of her life force energy, leaving her feeling unworthy of love and making her vulnerable to settling for the wrong men—aka Peter Pan and narcissistic types.

If this sounds like you, it's not your fault, you inherited this pattern #lovegenetics. However, if you're done settling for less and you're ready to build a life with a quality man—aka your King—it is your duty to reinstate yourself as the Queen you are.

The mistake is thinking you have to figure out how to do it all on your own. I've lived, mapped, and transformed this pattern and I can help you do the same. You've got this, and I've got you!

-Free Guide-

5 behaviors
that kill connection

Are you unwittingly pushing away the love you want?

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"Working with Vega is what I'd hoped traditional therapy would be like — workable, doable, but also magical."
~ Lauren

Position, Company name

"Vega made it possible to communicate about our challenges and desires in a way that felt connecting and judgement free —our sex life has blossomed since."
~ Caitlin and Travis

Position, Company name

"Vega helped me to see that I could facilitate my partner showing up for me by showing up for myself."
~ Sam

Position, Company name

The Rise of the Queen

When you embody your Queen you: 

Feel seen and heard


Are celebrated and cherished


Own your power and worth


Feel safety in your body


Drip with pleasure and delight


Call forth your King

Reinstate yourself as the Queen you are!

Your's truly

Hi, I'm Jess Vega

Dating and Relationship Coach, Tantrika, and Registered Nurse. I get on well with truth seekers, deep thinkers, and those who make beauty where ever they go.

I was born into a family rife with mental illness, drug abuse, and poverty. Denying my needs was a useful survival strategy for little me, but this behavior soon became a pattern that unwittingly sabotaged my ability to have the sex, love, and relationships I wanted.

I've been mapping the link between authenticity and connection ever since. I've learned a lot, but if I had to sum it up in one sentence, I'd can never feel loved as you are if you show up as someone you're not.

Not your BFF

I’m NOT the kind of coach who’s your BFF, but I’m not the bogeyman either. I’m your ally in love and a stand for the relationship you want to create. This means that I'll risk your approval in service to your dreams. At times, this will feel uncomfortable for both of us, but I guarantee that it will lead to more you and more connection ;)

Not your guru

I’m NOT the “just think positive...everything is love and light” woo woo guru coach. You're a rich and complex being, and a head in the clouds approach to growth is an insult to the complexity of your human experience down here on Earth. I'm a two feet planted firmly on the ground kind of coach who draws on the wisdom of Tantrik spirituality and hard science to get you results.

My commitment to you

Saying yes to a coaching relationship is a courageous act of self-love that deserves respect. If you're a yes, I commit to being:

- An assertive yet compassionate liaison between you and your blindspots.

- An ally who will challenge your thinking, keep you honest, and hold you accountable.

- A ride or die who creates the safe space you need to fully fall apart and come back to life.

If stories and credentials are your thing. Find mine here.

The Rise of the Queen

How to sign up...

See if you're a fit

✧ Book free consultation: get As to your Qs


✧ Logistics: choose start date, make payment, etc

Embody your Queen 👑

✧ Call forth your King  

Take the first step and...

New MO

The Universe doesn't make mistakes, it makes magic—aka you Queen!

You’re a unique expression of life happening exactly once. The Universe didn't bring you here so you could settle for less. You were meant to feel powerful and deeply satiated by love.

If you feel excitement but also a mixture of fear and doubt as you read this, just know that it's normal and a good sign. It means that your dreams matter to you.

And when you're ready to manifest those dreams, I'll be here to walk beside you as your greatest ally in love.

"Working with Vega is what I'd hoped traditional therapy would be like — workable, doable, but also magical."
~ Lauren

Position, Company name

"Vega made it possible to communicate about our challenges and desires in a way that felt connecting and judgement free —our sex life has blossomed since."
~ Caitlin and Travis

Position, Company name

"Vega helped me to see that I could facilitate my partner showing up for me by showing up for myself."
~ Sam

Position, Company name

What's inside?

The Rise of the Queen

Over the next 12 weeks, you’ll learn the psychological frames, somatic and linguistic tools, and straight up magic you need to embody your Queen and conjure your deepest dreams—aka your King—a quality man who walks not behind or in front of you, but beside you, into a shared vision of the future.

What it will look like

Program features

Mapping session (x1, remote)
• 90 min deep dive session that will set the stage for your success

One-on-one coaching sessions (weekly, remote)
• 12+ hrs of undivided attention and support toward your goals

Mini coaching sessions (weekly, as needed)
• Video and voice messaging for support in-between sessions

Support documents
• Reference and integrate new frames and tools you've learned

Personalized gifts
• Curated presents to aid Her Majesty during her rise

Who you'll become

A Queen is a woman who:

✓ Wields power with prowess.
✓ Possess range and depth in her expression.
✓ Feels safe and free in her body.
✓ Commits to love in the face of fear.
✓ Turns her dreams into reality.

My promise to you

Your success guaranteed

I'm a stand for the relationship you want to create. If by the end of the program you haven't learned how to embody your Queen despite your commitment to the process, I'll continue to work with you until you have.

Book your free 15 min consultation
Pay in full
$4,997 USD
Save $600 + get two bonuses valued at $267
Program features: 
Mapping session
One-on-one coaching
Mini coaching sessions
Support documents
Personalized gifts
How to fight smarter audio mini course
Coaching session to gift a fellow sister Queen
Pay in 3 installments
$1865 USD x3
(Total $5597)
Pay in 3 bonus:
Mapping session
One-on-one coaching sessions
Mini coaching sessions
Support documents
Personalized gifts
How to Fight Smarter mini audio course
Coaching session to gift a fellow sister Queen
Audio mini course

How to fight smarter

Relationships can only survive conventional fighting strategies like defensiveness, criticism, contempt, and stonewalling for so long. In How to fight smarter, you’ll learn a smarter you feel clear, confident, and connected, even when shit gets hard.

For bite-sized relationship
humor and advice

find me on IG @soullevellove


-Free Guide-

5 behaviors
that kill connection

Are you unwittingly pushing away the love you want?

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